Tämä kaappi järjestää vaatehuoneesi. Siihen mahtuvat sekä mekot, pikkutakit että päällystakit. Laatikoihin mahtuvat alusvaatteet, sukat ja solmiot.
Yksi ovi piilottaa ylähyllyn ja 41 cm pituisen ripustimen 120 cm korkeudella. Toisen oven takana on 3 säädettävää hyllyä ja niiden alla 2 isoa laatikkoa.
Jalkainen vaatekaappi on koivuvaneria, öljyvahattu. Pehmeästi sulkeutuvat Häfele oven saranat ja piilotetut laatikostot. Ovet Koskisen valkoinen HPL vanerilla, sisällä Häfele metallitangot pitkien ovien suorana. Voit valita kahdesta kahvamallista.
Mallisto HUH oli ehdolla Viron Bruno 2014 -muotoilupalkinnon saajaksi.
Francesco, Italy –
Last week I received and assembled the wardrobes. I am fully satisfied. I really like the design, the material, the finishing of the structure and of the doors, and the care with which were made. Put side-by-side the two wardrobes look very cool.
Frederic, Germany –
Our wardrobe arrived yesterday and we are more than happy with the design and the quality you provided. Great job!
Juha, Portugal –
I praised your good quality products and good, prompt service.
Lino, Germany –
We received the wardrobe and It`s fantastic.
Tina, Germany –
Thanks for asking, everything went well. We got the wardrobes and have already assembled them. They fit wonderfully. Have a nice time and best regards 🙂
Sharmistha, UK –
We are most pleased with the quality and the look!
Sharmistha, UK –
We are most pleased with the quality and the look!