Tables de canapés de formes différentes aux intérieurs fascinants.
Existe en 3 formes : carrée, triangulaire et ronde, largeur 70 cm, hauteur 51 cm.
En contreplaqué de bouleau, ciré à l’huile, également plaqué chêne ou revêtu HPL. Pieds en bois de bouleau, également ciré à l’huile ou teinté.
Elisa, Switzerland –
Everything arrived on Monday and we are still building it. But I thought of writing to thank you, and thank Radis, for everything. The pieces are great and I would have never been able to access this collection without your constance and patience. You really were amazing, and this is making my daily living a dream now. I hope we can continue to work in the future.
Juha, Portugal –
I’m really happy with the little table. Good color.