Les portes coulissantes sont de retour! Atteignez derrière la porte pour attraper des livres ou des chaussettes! Les tiroirs peuvent cacher vos bijoux et photos de vacances. Un coffre heureux est le cœur d’une maison.
Buffet de style rétro avec 3 tiroirs et derrière les portes coulissantes armoire spacieuse avec tablette de séparation réglable d’une largeur de 96 cm.
Fabriqué en contreplaqué de bouleau naturel, ciré à l’huile de chêne clair. Rails de tiroirs à fermeture douce, portes sur rouleaux Häfele.
Elisa, Switzerland –
Everything arrived on Monday and we are still building it. But I thought of writing to thank you, and thank Radis, for everything. The pieces are great and I would have never been able to access this collection without your constance and patience. You really were amazing, and this is making my daily living a dream now. I hope we can continue to work in the future.
François, France –
Just a short message to indicate that I Well received the product last week. The sideboard has been install yesterday. Very nice product. Very good quality. I am very satisfied! So Thank you for your nice job!
Tina, Germany –
Sideboard arrived today. Looks great.
Robert, UK –
Thanks again for all your help with this order Mauri, much appreciated. Great service, great product.