Kes ütles, et kiikumine on ainult lastele? Nüüd saad Sinagi piinlikkust tundmata õõtsuda teleri või kamina ees oma kodus. Keegi ei näe. Soovi korral ka jalatugi.
Valmistatud 36 mm-sest kasevineerist, ka tammespooniga, õlivahatatud. Istumisosa on kvaliteetsest Nevotex Linoso kangast eri toonides, vedruiste. Istme sügavus 50 cm.
Kiiktooli mugavust saad proovida Tallinnas 4roomi salongis ja Viru hotelli fuajees.
Naomi, Australia –
Yes, the chair arrived. We built it straight away and are blown away by its beauty and craftsmanship! My fiancé who doesn’t normally take much notice of design or beauty came to me and said “it’s absolutely beautiful!” That’s a huge compliment so yes we love it!! It’s stunning.
Philippa, UK –
Thank You for the rocker GEE – Its a gorgeous design!
Elisa, Switzerland –
Everything arrived on Monday and we are still building it. But I thought of writing to thank you, and thank Radis, for everything. The pieces are great and I would have never been able to access this collection without your constance and patience. You really were amazing, and this is making my daily living a dream now. I hope we can continue to work in the future.
Rita, Germany –
The chair is just fantastic. Simple elegance. I like it very much.
Christine, Germany –
The rocking chair looks beautiful and is very well made. Thank you!
Jose, Spain –
Now the chair arrived (and very well)😊👍