Saksa mööblidisainer Michael Hilgersi nurgavoodi muudab nurga hubaseks tsooniks.
Omapärane asümmeetriline disain oma pesakujulise kujuga, isegi ilma traditsioonilise peatoeta, pakub võimalust voodis istuda ja lugeda. Samal ajal ei maga sa külmal seinal nagu tavalises voodis.
Naturaalsest kasevineerist valmistatud voodi on traditsioonilise mööblieseme värske, ruumisäästlik tõlgendus. Saadaval kasevineerist õlivahatatult, ka tammespooniga või Koskisen HPL kõrgsurvelaminaadiga.
Kolmes nurgas on tugevad metalljalad voodi voolavuse tagamiseks. Saadaval kolmes madratsimõõdus ja õlivaha toonides. Voodipõhja kõrgus põrandalt 28 cm. Voodiserva kõrgus voodilippidelt 15 cm. Vineerist voodipõhjad on komplektis. Vooditel on keskel ka vineerist tugijalg.
Elisa, Switzerland –
Everything arrived on Monday and we are still building it. But I thought of writing to thank you, and thank Radis, for everything. The pieces are great and I would have never been able to access this collection without your constance and patience. You really were amazing, and this is making my daily living a dream now. I hope we can continue to work in the future.
Irina, Estonia –
The bed assembly was easy and the bed looks really great!
Dominik, Germany –
The order was made and delivered on time. Assembly instructions are very clear. The details are very strong and high quality. We bought a shelves Shelf PIX M and a bed CORNERBED and now enjoy the convenience and great modern design.The best Estonian furniture design!
Joao, Portugal –
The assembly was strait forward and it looks great; the design is quite clever. I would recommend your service and product. It has a perfect design for the space it occupies.