Askeetlik ümarlaud kööki või koosolekule. EDI pakub tuge nii hommikusele kohvitassile kui mõttesse vajunud juhatuse küünarnukkidele.
Valmistatud kasevineerist, õlivahatatud, lauaplatel võimalik kasutada ka valget ja helehalli kõrgsurvelaminaati (HPL) vineeril.
Lauaga saad tutvuda Tallinnas 4roomi salongis Pärnu mnt 110 ning Solarise keskuses Eesti Disaini Majas.
Isabel, Finland –
I just wanted to inform you that the table arrived and it is absolutely beautiful. Thank you again for all your help and the good service.
Elisa, Switzerland –
Everything arrived on Monday and we are still building it. But I thought of writing to thank you, and thank Radis, for everything. The pieces are great and I would have never been able to access this collection without your constance and patience. You really were amazing, and this is making my daily living a dream now. I hope we can continue to work in the future.
Lorenzo, Italy –
I’m very very satisfied with the EDI table. It’s very stable, comfortable and easy to clean. Of couse is beautiful too.